Rhinoshield full cover tempered glass galaxy s8

Rp 473,700
Kategori Handphone & Tablet
Kondisi Barang BARU

Device Model:Samsung Galaxy S8

Perfect Compatibility to RhinoShield CrashGuard Bumper Case.

Grease and scratch resistant
Oleophobic coating for easy cleaning and smooth to the touch.

9H Tempered Glass
Resistant to scratch, scrape, and other cosmetic damage to the screen.

High transparency
99% transparent, no effect on screen sensitivity.

Please note:

▴Avoid storing your device with hard objects.

▴Tempered glass screen protectors can be damaged by force

▴Avoid wiping the screen with force

▴For best cleaning result, wipe with microfiber cloth

▴Avoid submerging the product in water

▴The adhesive is only applied on the edges of the screen protector.

▴Make sure the product is perfectly centered for case compatibility and proper adherence. Failure to center the screen protector might result in abnormal behaviour.

▴Our RhinoShield CrashGuard Bumper Case will protect your device against impacts. However we do not guarantee our bumper will also be able to protect the Tempered Glass Screen Protector in case of a drop.

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
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Modelcover tempered glass

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Beoku Outlet 5.0

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