SALE Verus Crystal Bumper Case IPhone 6 / 6s Plus Champagne Gold

Rp 236,900
Kategori Handphone & Tablet
Kondisi Barang BARU

An Apple iPhone 6/6S case designed for you: Refined, functional, and practical, the Crystal Bumper series case fully complements the iPhone 6/6S and lets the phone's natural beauty shine unhindered

Full degree of protection: Covers all four corners and includes raised edges and a TPU lip to keep the screen from scratching or touching the ground
Snug fit: Engineered to emphasize thinness without compromising phone security. Precise cutouts give you full access to ports, and sensitive button covers allow responsive presses
Impact-resistant layers: Constructed from high-grade TPU and PC, a soft inside layer cushions the iPhone 6/6S from drops, while the hard outer layer encases the device to shield from collisions
Clear back: A transparent TPU layer allows you to show off the design of your phone without compromising protection


Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product Country-
Modelcasing hp
WarnaChampagne Gold
MaterialTPU / softcase

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Beoku Outlet 5.0

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