Ice Cool

Rp 684,300
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

Usia : 6+

Lama permainan : 20 Min
Pemain : 2-4 Orang
tingkat kesulitan : 1 / 10
GENRE : Kids Dexterity Game
MEKANIK : Flicking

Deskripsi Inggris :
The lunch break is almost there and all of the young penguins would finally get the fish theyve been craving. However, some rascals think they are quick enough to snatch some of the fish before the lunch break starts, but they have forgotten one thing the Hall Monitor! Each school day one of the penguins is designated to watch over the school, and this is his moment to shine for each rascal penguin he catches he would get additional fish!

A fun run takes place the rascals are running everywhere and trying to snatch some fish on their way, but the Hall Monitor is trying to catch each and one of them to have some order in the school. Who will be more successful?

Ice Cool is a flicking game in which each round one of the players takes the role of the Hall Monitor (also called "the Catcher") his aim will be to catch each other penguin and get points for that. The others (also known as "Runners") will try to run through several doors, thus gaining fish (that give them points) on their way. When either the Hall Monitor has caught each other penguin once or any of the others has gone through all 3 doors that

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product Countryamerica
Product LineBoard game

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Beoku Outlet 5.0

Rp 684,300,- Beli

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World's Fair 1893
Mulai Rp 589,500
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