Tombow Irojiten Color Pencil Set 30 (Pale I - Deep I & Vivid I)

Rp 515,800
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

Tombow Irojiten Color Dictionary Color Pencil Set - 30 Color Set
(Tones: Pale I + Vivid I & Deep I)
Code : CI-RTA

Introducing the New Irojiten Line from Tombow. These premium color pencils feature high quality lead that is hard and dense for precise details and sharp lines, and strong pigments for deep color saturation, blending and layering.

The Irojiten is a luxurious and complete color pencil collection with an outstanding look and feel
The pencils are packaged in book-like cases that make the set look like an elegant color encyclopedia

The pencils feature an off-white finish with colored ends that match their lead color
The packaging and the high quality of the product line made these pencils an all-time classic

Available in three different, uniquely sorted color sets (3 books of ten colors totaling 30 colors per edition).
These pencils have a wax-based core.

*Pembelian volume set ini berarti mendapatkan total 30pcs pensil warna*

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product CountryJapan
Product LinePencil Color

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