Rembrandt Watercolour Metal Deluxe Set of 48 Pans

Rp 2,947,400
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

Rembrandt Watercolour Metal Deluxe Set of 48 Pans (05838649)

Rembrandt Artists' Watercolours offer exceptional quality and the highest degree of lightfastness.
These pure and intense colours are perfectly thinnable with water and offer the maximum degree of transparency.

- Highest degree of lightfastness
- Very pure and intense colours
- Perfectly thinnable with water
- Maximum degree of transparency
- Finest pigments in a pure quality of gum arabic

Colours included in this set:
207 Cadmium Yellow Lemon, 208 Cadmium Yellow Light, 210 Cadmium Yellow Deep, 211 Cadmium Orange, 238 Gamboge, 303 Cadmium Red Light, 311 Vermillion, 108 Chinese White, 227 Yellow Ochre, 234 Raw Sienna, 242 Aureoline, 265 Transparent Oxide Yellow, 306 Cadmium Red Deep, 314 Cadmium Red Medium, 318 Carmine, 336 Permanent Madder Lake, 339 Light Oxide Red, 366 Quinacridone Rose, 378 Transparent Oxide Red, 403 Vandyke Brown, 408 Raw Umber, 409 Burnt Umber, 411 Burnt Sienna, 416 Sepia, 426 Transparent Oxide Brown, 503 French Ultramarine, 506 Ultramarine Deep, 508 Prussian Blue, 511 Cobalt Blue, 522 Turquoise Blue, 532 Mauve, 534 Cerulean Blue, 567 Permanent Red Violet, 568 Permanent Blue Violet, 576 Phthalo Blue Green, 583 Phthalo Blue Red, 585 Indanthrene Blue, 615 Emerald Green, 616 Viridian, 620 Olive Green, 623 Sap Green, 645 Hooker Green Deep, 662 Permanent Green, 668 Chrome Oxide Green, 675 Phthalo Green, 701 Ivory Black, 708 Paynes Gray,

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product CountryNetherlands
Product LineWatercolor Paint

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