Mont Marte Mini Modelling Tools Boxwood Set 10

Rp 89,500
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

This Mini Modelling Tool Set consists of 10 double ended tools, providing 20 tool shapes to cut, carve, smooth, and create texture when sculpting.

They feature a durable boxwood construction and ergonomic design for comfortable and controlled usage.

- Create textured grooves with the forked end and carve out concave areas with the small curved tool.
- The rounded ball end can smooth out hard to reach places while the pointed tool shapes fine details with precision.
- Cut and contour with the large blade end and smooth surfaces evenly with the rounded end tool.
- The rounded paddle end can be used to gently flatten areas and the hooked end incises and removes clay with accuracy.
- Use the short blade tool to slice and cut clay and the pointed end produces uniform convex surfaces.
- Crosshatch and make fine lines with the large blade tool. The curved end contours delicate features.
- Score fine lines with the pointed angle tool. Hollow out small areas with the small curved tool.
- This pointed tool is invaluable for etching and indenting as well as aiding with the placement of small objects.
- The sharp angled end smoothes and flattens and the large blade tool slices and sculpts.
- This tool is fantastic for creating uniform patterns and aids in the precise placement of small objects.

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product CountryFrance
Product LineSculpter

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Beoku Outlet 5.0

Rp 89,500,- Beli

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