Rp 248,500
Kategori Bayi & Mainan Anak
Kondisi Barang BARU


This big red rig has a magnetic arm that can reach every car on its trailer! It's one terrific wooden vehicle set with so much to offer: Link up the trailer to the car carrier to take the four magnet-topped cars for a drive, then unload each one at its destination. Sort and sequence the wooden cars--each one has a unique color, stripe, and number to inspire playful counting, sorting, and sequencing activities. Then load the cars again and roll out! Car- and truck-loving kids will love discovering endless play possibilities as they roll this wooden truck toy all around the house and to the ends of their imaginations. The tough vehicles have sturdy wooden chassis and smooth-rolling wheels, so they'll stand up to countless deliveries and road trips. And maneuvering the articulated arm is easy to do, great for fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and so much fun!

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
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Beoku Outlet 5.0

Rp 248,500,- Beli

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