Eldritch Horror: The Dreamlands Board Game ( Expansion )

Rp 752,700
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

For 1-8 Players
Time : 120-240 Minutes
Genre : Adventure, Expansion for Base-game,Fantasy,Fighting,Horror,Novel-based

It has been months since you saw the sunset city in a dreamtowering minarets and domes, crossed by shadow and red light from the gently setting orb of fire that permanently rests outside the city. Since then, youve crossed these borders every night, searching for the city, hoping to set foot inside. You have seen wonders beyond compare: the sacred cats of Ulthar and the turquoise and tourmaline city of Celephas that rests beneath the gingko-covered slopes of Mount Aran. You have all but abandoned your waking life, eating less and less, spending more and more time asleep. But tonight is different. There, on the silvery, blade-thin horizon between wakefulness and sleep, the black ships from the moon have finally caught up to you.

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product CountryAmerika
Product LineBoard Game
UmurSemua Umur

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