Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolours Studio Set - 45 Half Pans

Rp 1,250,600
Kategori Media, Hiburan, & Hobi
Kondisi Barang BARU

This Cotman Water Colour Half Pan Studio Set x 45 comes from Winsor & Newton, the company that created water colour.

- There is 170 years of expertise invested in this collection, with the emphasis on quality balanced with affordable prices.
- Since the greatest expense comes from the source pigments, the more expensive of these are substituted with alternatives to create hues that still provide high tinting strength and transparency.
- This not only keeps costs down, but also makes for more consistent performance across the range, which can be of great benefit if youre new to water colour.

Cotman Water Colours have been specially developed for the watercolorist who requires quality transparent Water Colours at uniform and economical price.

45 Cotman Half Pans contained in a plastic box with two integral palettes.

Catatan : Barang ini Dapat Diretur
Product CountryUK
Product LinePainting Set

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Beoku Outlet 5.0

Rp 1,250,600,- Beli

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